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npm install @fliegwerk/logsemts

Exported Members

You can access these members by importing the module:

import { member } from '@fliegwerk/logsemts';


function serialize (
   value : any
) : any

Serialize a value to the SerializedTransportFormat specifications


value the value that gets serialized


the serialized JSON string



let a = {};
let b = { a:a }
a['b'] = a;

JSON.stringify(a); // throws Error because of cyclic dependency

// serialize a, which returns "instructions" for re-building its structure
const serialized = serialize(a);

// rebuild a's structure from "instructions"
const deserialized = deserialize(serialized);

console.log(deserialized); // logs the "correct" structure


function deserialize (
   serialized : string
) : any

Deserialize a JSON string representing a SerializedTransportFormat.


serialized JSON string with a SerializedTransportFormat format



interface SerializedTransportFormat


Pablo Klaschka



let a = {};
let b = { a:a }
a['b'] = a;

JSON.stringify(a); // throws Error because of cyclic dependency

// serialize a, which returns "instructions" for re-building its structure
const serialized = serialize(a);

// rebuild a's structure from "instructions"
const deserialized = deserialize(serialized);

console.log(deserialized); // logs the "correct" structure



Type: any[]

A memory pool for values the pointers in pointers can point to


Type: { [key: string]: number }

Pointers (indexes) of values stored in the pool in the order they can get built in.

Separations are achieved using the -> string.

The pointer to the serialized value is '', meaning pointers[''] is the serialized element's index in the pool.


// the serialized value points to an object (`s`) that is at index 0 in the pool
// `s['a']` has the value of an array stored at index 1 in the pool.
// this array has `s` as its only member, i.e., `s['a'][0] === s`:
{ '': 0, '->a': 1, '->a->0': 1 }

Type: ( | 'undefined' | 'object' | 'boolean' | 'number' | 'string' | 'symbol' | 'function' | 'bigint' | 'regexp' | 'Date' )[]

The tye of the value in the pool with the same index.

Can be either a value "returned" by the typeof operator or a special value for supported types:

  • regexp - a RegExp object


const : () => LogFunction

A LogFunctionFactory to log the the browser developer tools

See: LogFunction



LogFunction / LogFunction Factory


import { BrowserLogger } from '@fliegwerk/logsemts';

const loggers = [
    BrowserLogger() // a LogFunction to log into the browser dev tools


interface PlainLoggerOptions

Options for PlainLogger



Type: (...args: any) => void

The function that logs the contents






const : ( options?: PlainLoggerOptions ) => LogFunction

A LogFunctionFactory to log in environments that don't support color



LogFunction / LogFunction Factory




import { PlainLogger } from '@fliegwerk/logsemts';

const loggers = [
    PlainLogger(), // a LogFunction to log into the browser dev tools
    PlainLogger({logFunction: myFunction}) // use myFunction instead of console.log


const : (ch: Chalk) => LogFunction

A LogFunctionFactory to log the the terminal in NodeJS using the|chalk library


ch The chalk object.





LogFunction / LogFunction Factory


import { ChalkLogger } from '@fliegwerk/logsemts';
import chalk from 'chalk';

const loggers = [
    ChalkLogger(chalk) // generates a new LogFunction using the chalk object


interface WebhookLoggerOptions

Options for the WebhookLogger



Type: string

the address to which the POST requests for logs get sent


const : ( options: WebhookLoggerOptions ) => LogFunction

A LogFunctionFactory to send serialized form of message to a specific web address in a POST request



LogFunction / LogFunction Factory





import { WebhookLogger } from '@fliegwerk/logsemts';

const loggers = [
    // sends a serialized JSON form of the message to the specified address
    WebHookLogger({address: 'http://localhost:8080'})


class ComponentLogger

A logger for a specific component like API Client, Message Provider, or similar


const = new ComponentLogger((type, style, ...args) => {
    const componentStyle = new Style(
        'red' // text color
        componentBackgroundColor // background color

    logFunction(type, style, componentName, componentStyle, ...args);



function (
   semanticLogFunction : ( type: string, style: Style, ...args: any[] ) => void
) : any


semanticLogFunction A semantic log function that can already process the type and style of the semantic log type.



debug (...)

function debug (
   ... args : any[]
) : any

Log some debug information


args information that gets logged

success (...)

function success (
   ... args : any[]
) : any

Log some success information


args information that gets logged

error (...)

function error (
   ... args : any[]
) : any

Log an error


args error information that gets logged

warn (...)

function warn (
   ... args : any[]
) : any

Log a warning


args warning that gets logged

info (...)

function info (
   ... args : any[]
) : any

Log some information


args information that gets logged


class Logger

A semantic logger written in TypeScript

Manages a number of LogFunctions, to which logs get passed. These can, e.g., log the entries to the browser console or send it to a remote database.

For each subsystem (e.g., an API Client), a new component logger gets used which can be fetched using Logger.getComponentLogger

This ComponentLogger then contains multiple semantic logging functions including ComponentLogger.success, ComponentLogger.error, ComponentLogger.warn, and ComponentLogger.debug.

The console output is color-coded. The semantic log levels have pre-defined colors and the components get color-coded with a color that's from their name.




import Logger, {BrowserLogger} from '@fliegwerk/logsemts';

const logger = new Logger({loggers: [BrowserLogger]});
logger.getComponentLogger('API Client').success('fetched API data');



function (
   options : LoggerOptions
) : any

Create a new Logger. Usually gets used only once per application (as a singleton)





getSubsystemLogger (...)

function getSubsystemLogger (
   subsystemName : string
) : any

Returns the logger for a specific subsystem or component


subsystemName the subsystem's or component's name


Use getComponentLogger instead.

getComponentLogger (...)

function getComponentLogger (
   componentName : string
) : any

Returns the logger for a specific component


componentName the component's name