GitHub npm


Install using

npm install fliegdoc

Exported Members

You can access these members by importing the module:

import { member } from 'fliegdoc';

buildTreeForConfig (...)

function buildTreeForConfig ( ) : Tree

Builds a Tree for getConfig.

You can set the config beforehand using setConfig.


the generated documentation-ready Tree


import { buildTreeForConfig, setConfig } from 'fliegdoc';

const tree = buildTreeForConfig();

getConfig (...)

function getConfig ( ) : FliegdocConfig

Returns the current config


current config



import { getConfig } from 'fliegdoc';

console.log('current config:', getConfig());

setConfig (...)

function setConfig (
   config : Partial<FliegdocConfig> ,
   basePath : string = process.cwd()
) : void

Overrides the current config using the config on top of the DEFAULT_CONFIG


config - overrides of the DEFAULT_CONFIG


basePath - the base path of the config file, from which relative paths get resolved


import { setConfig } from 'fliegdoc';

const config = JSON.parse(

setConfig(config, path.dirname(filepath));

buildModuleTree (...)

function buildModuleTree (
   module : Module
) : [moduleName: string, moduleTree: ModuleTree]

Generates a ModuleTree for the passed


module - the module configuration for which the tree should get generated


module name and ModuleTree


import { buildModuleTree } from 'fliegdoc';



interface Module

A module/npm package

Must include a package.json file with a unique name



Type: string

Absolute path to the module's package.json


Type: string

Absolute path to the tsconfig.json


Type: string

Relative path from the tsconfig includes to the module's main file, exporting all members




interface FliegdocConfig

The configuration for running fliegdoc



Type: Module[]

Project modules


Type: string

Path to the root project's


Type: string

Path to the folder in which the documentation gets generated


Type: string

Base url of the domain to which the docs get deployed, including a trailing /

Default value: '/'


Type: string

Title of the project, that gets printed in the header


Type: Record<string, string>

External navigation links for the header in a key-value-manner, where the key is the label and the value the link.


Type: boolean

Hide private class members in the documentation

Default value: true


Type: Theme

The theme that gets used.

Default value: HTMLTheme


const : FliegdocConfig

The default config parameters.

Uses a, package.json, and tsconfig.json file in the cwd and main.ts in the sources configured in the tsconfig.json


type ModuleTree

Alias for: (Record<string, unknown> & { name: string; declarations: ModuleTreeNode[]; })[]

A documentation-ready tree for a single module


type ModuleTreeNode < T = unknown >

Alias for: { type: string; name: string; declarations: Array<T>; [key: string]: unknown; }

A node in a ModuleTree


type Tree

Alias for: { [moduleName: string]: ModuleTree; }

A documentation-ready tree for multiple modules


interface Theme

A theme configuration usable with fliegdoc.

An object implementing this interface gets passed to setConfig in the theme of the FliegdocConfig.



Type: boolean

Whether this theme is viewable in the browser.

E.g., an HTML-theme would be browser-viewable, while a LaTeX theme wouldn't.


onBuild (...)

function onBuild (
   tree : Tree ,
   config : FliegdocConfig ,
   createFile : CreateFileFunction
) : Promise<void>

Builds the theme, by generating its output files.

This must only use the createFile function to interact with the file system for serveDynamic to work.


tree - the documentation-ready AST


config - the config used for the build


createFile - a function to create a file in the output folder


type CreateFileFunction

Alias for: ( path: string, content: Buffer, mimetype: string ) => Promise<void>

Write to a file inside the config.outDir, creating any parent directories, if necessary.


path - the absolute path to the output file, must be inside the config.outDir.


content - the file's content


mimetype - the file's mime type


createFile('index.html', 'content', 'text/html')

serveStatic (...)

function serveStatic (
   port : number = 3000
) : void

Starts an HTTP server on port and statically serves the documentation in the config's outDir.


port - the port on which the documentation gets served


Error - if the theme isn't browser-viewable, i.e., if Theme.isBrowserViewable is false


import { buildTreeForConfig, serveDynamic, buildStatic } from 'fliegdoc';

const tree = buildTreeForConfig();
await buildStatic(tree);

serveDynamic (...)

async function serveDynamic (
   tree : Tree ,
   port : number = 3000
) : Promise<void>

Starts an http server on port and serves the documentation.

Instead of writing the docs to the actual file system, this just generates them into a "virtual" file system.

NOTE: This is great for quickly reviewing the docs, but please keep in mind that all files get saved in-memory. If a theme outputs a lot of images or other bigger files, this might pose a problem.


tree - the documentation tree


port - the port on which the documentation gets served


Error - if the theme isn't browser-viewable, i.e., if Theme.isBrowserViewable is false


import { buildTreeForConfig, serveDynamic } from 'fliegdoc';

const tree = buildTreeForConfig();
serveDynamic(tree, port);

buildStatic (...)

async function buildStatic (
   tree : Tree
) : Promise<void>

Builds the static documentation from tree to the config's outDir.


tree - the documentation tree


import { buildTreeForConfig, buildStatic } from 'fliegdoc';

const tree = buildTreeForConfig();
await buildStatic(tree);


const : Theme

The default HTML theme.

Generates individual pages, per module, and uses all configuration parameters like config.title.

Rendering gets done using templates written in ETA.